Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The First Relationship

So, okay. . . We're 1.5 weeks away from the wedding, and I have GOT to tell you that this project has been one of the most educational of my life. haha! :) It's taught me about relationships, about time-management, about finances, about people, about the Mighty Man (who just gets mightier every day), about myself and, most importantly, about the Lord.

I'd like to be all cute and funny and witty in this post, but the truth is that I'm just going to straight-up confess. I did it. I was one of those brides who got so caught up in life, work, wedding and fiance that I abandoned my relationship with Jesus, relegating it to static prayers and feeble attempts at quiet times. I wasn't consciously putting Him on the backburner, I just let the enemy distract me with other things and keep me running in circles while Jesus stood by waiting and watching. Of course He was involved, but I wasn't engaging with Him.

Finally, the other night at The United (which, if you're in the KC area on the last Sunday of any month, PLEASE come join--it's the most unreal worship experience), the Lord gently took my face in His hands and  pointed my eyes to Him. That's the best way I can describe it. I literally felt like He was kneeling there with me looking me in the eyes and reminding me that He was my first love.

Women, I don't know if you can relate to this or not, but I'm pretty sure you can. Okay...I'm TOTALLY sure you can. When you're in a relationship, you can get so caught up in making it work that you forget to make the FIRST relationship work. I totally was that girl. In getting prepared to marry the MM, I started focusing on how to make our relationship better and how to be who he needed me to be instead of focusing first on the Lord. My eyes should have been on Him and working on THAT relationship and becoming who HE wanted me to be. My relationship with the MM would naturally flow out of that. But I was getting it backwards.

You know what's funny is that it totally played itself out that way, too. The MM and I had some very interesting arguments over the course of that time, and some of them included some very interesting timing. Try arguing over text message when one of you is in a movie theater. Or, how about this? Try discussing anything relational during worship before the sermon. Doesn't work very well when one of you has to preach. Oh, Lord, have mercy. (Thankfully, He did.)

The Lord has been so good to me. He's been so patient. Yes, I've suffered the consequences of not focusing on Him (e.g. STRESS!!!!!!!), but I'm so thankful that He never leaves us. Man, we totally don't deserve His love and mercy and patience, especially when we just basically check out from Him for a while, but He's so merciful that He always lets us return to Him and enjoy His love and forgiveness.

Today, my encouragement to you is to remember that HE is your FIRST relationship. There is no relationship on earth that is more important than the eternal relationship you have with Jesus. Treat it that way. Spend time with Him. Be honest with Him. Talk to Him with transparency and let Him in. If you do that, the rest of the relationships in your life will only improve as you let His Spirit guide your interactions.

Okay, this bride-to-be has a ton to do, so I'm gonna scoot. :) Next time you hear from me, I'll probably be a Mrs.!! :) :) Can I get a Woot Woot??:)

Have a great day! :)
- Jill