Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63...

"Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." - Psalm 103:1

Oh, friends. What a morning already! Hit the ground running at 4:30 a.m. for a great 11-mile tempo run in what is hopefully one of the last 20-degree mornings of the year. (Please, Lord?) :) It was fantastic, though! Almost no wind, and a beautiful sunrise. That's definitely one of the perks to training. I get to see some of the most beautiful parts of the day that I'd otherwise miss if I were still sleeping. God is good. :)

Okay...I want to take today as an opportunity to apologize in advance to all of my friends for my lack of social skills for the next 6-7 weeks. I was talking with my friend Ashley this morning (who is also a marathon veteran, as I've mentioned before) about the nature of the training beast when it gets to this point. I've talked about balance before and time-management, but at this point of training, when you're putting in crazy miles and getting up so early, it's important to sleep well and eat right. That being said, my social life is officially on hold for the next few weeks. And I do that for not just my own sake, but for those I interact with on a daily basis. haha! My poor staff and co-workers! If they had to deal with over-tired, under-nourished Jill every day, they would probably quit FCA. I don't want to do that to them. :) Plus, I do want to continue to train well, and for that to happen, I know that I'll have to be disciplined in caring for my physical body. If you could, please pray that God would just give me great wisdom in time-management and self-discipline for the next few weeks.

While we're talking about prayers. . . The fundraiser is coming up!! We're only a little more than a week away from it, and we're in heavy planning mode. I love it! :) Details are coming together, and I'm praying that it's a night that really blesses a lot of people as they hear how they can bless our troops. If you are in the McPherson (KS) area next Saturday, please come out to The Well, grab some coffee and dessert, and hear about Military Ministry and their amazing outreach! And invite your friends. The more the merrier! :)

Speaking also of fundraising, the campaign has begun! If you haven't had time to check out my Facebook note, visit my profile page and click on the note: "Military Ministry: Running for the Troops." You can't miss it. It's the one with the pic of my handsome father and uncle in their American Legion suits on Memorial Day. :)

Thanks again for your support, prayers and encouragement. You all are outstanding! :)

Additional prayers:
-For our troops--specifically those serving in overseas deployments away from their families.
-For Military Ministry and their continued funding and outreach.
-For my recovery from the hard workout this morning.
-For my cranky left knee and right foot.
-For a place for me to run next week when I'm on a 3-day business trip.

Love you all! Have a great day!

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