Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 70...

Before I spent time in the Word this morning, I was ready to send up a thousand prayer flare signals through the blog post today.

Friends, I will be totally honest. I'm flat-out exhausted. While the 11-mile tempo run this morning was a good one (not a terrible 7:44 average), it was the hardest I've had to work in a really long time. It took every ounce of mental focus I had to keep my legs moving fast. My whole body and my mental capacity have been maxed out this week. With the travel, the things at work, the things coming up this weekend, daily chores, and oh yeah, training... Man, I'm toast. I was telling my beautiful friend Janice yesterday that I felt like a whistling tea kettle. I need to be taken off the burner!

Then I got in the Word. I don't know what it is about how God speaks to us and His truth, but it truly does pierce straight to our core. I am finishing up a study on the Proverbs 31 woman, and I was reading about where true beauty comes from in the eyes of the Lord. One place, according to 1 Peter 3:4, is through a gentle and quiet spirit.

Yesterday I e-mailed a friend and told her that when I get super tired, I feel like I have an excuse not to act like Jesus. "I'm too tired to think about being kind or loving. Are you kidding? It's all I can do to survive, let alone worry about being nice!" (Hey, blogs are for honesty, right?) But the truth is this: That mentality shows a complete and total flesh/self mentality. God's Word says that we'll never get to this point if we are allowing Him to strengthen us. So, if I feel that way, I must be relying too much on my own power or believing Satan's lies. It's flat-out NOT true that I'm beyond my physical limit if I'm walking in God's will, which I believe I am.

So, that's why there is no distress signal today. Yes, I DEFINITELY need your prayers. There's no way I'll believe God or accept His strength without people pleading for me to have that kind of heart/soul. So, please do pray. But I'm not going to freak out and overreact. God says that I can do all things through Him with His strength. He says that I will run and not grow weary. He says that if I hope in Him, I will gain new strength. THAT is truth.

-For the fundraiser on Saturday night!! :) :) Please pray that the right people come out who need to be connected. And pray for the team of lovely women who are helping me put this together. They are all-stars! :) Jami, Brenda and MMMM. :)
-For my right foot. The pain is still present.
-For our brave troops, who inspire us all daily.
-For rest for me and renewed strength.

Thanks so much, friends!

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