I feel beat into submission today already. In fact, I felt that way when I woke up this morning and realized everything that was on my plate for the next couple of weeks. In an effort to combat the overwhelming feelings, I quoted Philippians 4:13 as I crawled out of bed, but I fully admit that it was a half-hearted attempt. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Right. I was just sending up a smoke screen in the face of the enemy. The fact was, I didn't believe a word of it.
Here's the deal. Right now, I'm on a mission. I am sold-out to the cause of Military Ministry and what we're doing through the marathon training. I'm passionate about it, pumped about it and thoroughly in love with what we're doing. I kind of compare it to Nehemiah and his wall-building in the Old Testament. Man, that guy was focused! And, one of my favorite verses in all of Scripture is when people try to distract him and he flat-out tells them, "No, I'm building a wall and I can't come down."
That's a little bit how I feel right now. There is SO much going on in my life. Some of it is necessary, some of it is distraction. I need God's wisdom on what to embrace and what to cut out. We are building a wall, and I can't come down. No, training isn't my life. No, I shouldn't cut out everything except eating, sleeping and running. Duh. But I must clear out some of the clutter in order to stay on the wall. (In this case, road.)
Would you pray for wisdom for me today? I need the Lord's guidance in time-management and focus. There's too much right now. And I want the wall to be completed and strong. Thanks so much, Team!! :) You guys are awesome. :)
Addional prayers:
-For continued protection over the left knee.
-For the fundraiser on the 13th.
-For speedwork tomorrow morning--strength and speed!
-For Military Ministry and their continued provision
-For our troops and their families, especially the families who are at home with deployed spouses.
Thanks so much, all!
You're doing wonderfully great run-meister! I'm standing with you in prayer. I admire your God-given strength and stamina more than words can say! God is using you in mighty ways - to encourage many people, to increase the faith of many people, and to provide a special purpose for many people to support and/or to be supported. I hope everyone on the "Running for the Troops Team" reads the valuable story from last week's Military Ministry Standard Bearer newsletter: http://www.militaryministry.org/2010/02/22/recovery-from-the-fight/. God bless you Sister!